
Friday, July 13, 2012

July 12, 2012

Gold Star

Linus Baby

My husband flew to Louisville tonight because of a family emergency. BC and I will make the drive home from Virginia on Sunday by ourselves. I sure do miss him. I wish he didn't have to go; not just because his absence will make the drive so much longer and so much more tedious, not just because I love him and want him near, and not just because I wish there wasn't this family emergency (although all of those things are true). I miss him and wish he were here because when he's gone I have to function as a single parent. 

When my husband is not around for a stretch of time, which thankfully doesn't happen all that often, I am always filled with this overwhelming respect for single parents. I am so lucky to have the wonderful support my husband provides and I can't imagine having to parent solo full-time. How do these women and men do it?? 

The answer, of course, is necessity. We are all doing what we need to do, the best we can, and taking it one day at a time. I imagine that is especially true of single parents. All parents deserve the upmost respect because parenting is the most challenging thing there is to be done. But single parents, I tell ya, they get the gold star. 


It’s so sweet watching SJ study everything.  With the security of his thumb and blanket I think he’s ready to take on the world.


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Indiana, United States
Molly and Amy have been friends and co-collaborators for years and now are parenting infants in tandem. Amy's baby, SJ, is her fifth. Molly's, BC, her first.