
Saturday, July 14, 2012

July 13, 2012

Poster Child


So it seems it is now my turn to write about postpartum hair loss. Let me tell you, it is real. I mean, seriously, it is so very real. I'm not going bald or anything. No, nothing so dramatic as that. But all that hair that didn't fall out during my pregnancy and caused it to look so nice and full is now coming out. Big time. I am shedding. 

I should have expected this in a way because everything I read told me it would happen. Every mom I knew told me it would happen. And yet... There are so many thing that I heard about having to do with pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period; things that were bound to happen - hair loss being one of them. But for some reason, time and again I would think to myself, "that probably won't happen to me." And inevitably, whatever the "that" was, would. 

I'm not sure why I ever thought I would be the exception to the very large rule. Maybe because things seem to happen to me on a delayed timeline. The hair loss didn't start until just this week (week 11) and most of what I'd read put it at starting "shortly after" the birth. Or maybe I simply hoped I would be spared some of the less-than-pleasant happenings like pregnancy heartburn, swollen feet, engorged breasts, and yes, hair loss. 

Well, I'm not an exception. I'm a poster child for all of those things and more. And in some ways that's completely comforting. 


Tonight version 3.0 decided he wanted to share one of his favorite shows with SJ.  It may have only lasted for about 5 minutes but it was beautiful listening to 3.0 explain all the details about the storyline and characters.  He also told SJ he was looking forward to watching Sesame Street with him sometime.  He’s such a great big brother! 


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Indiana, United States
Molly and Amy have been friends and co-collaborators for years and now are parenting infants in tandem. Amy's baby, SJ, is her fifth. Molly's, BC, her first.