
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

July 3, 2012

Weeks, Not Months

Exercise is Hard Work

So I'm breastfeeding BC. I've written about that before but here's another post about it, kind of. 

I've always been someone who viewed breastfeeding as a natural way of brining up baby. My mom breastfed me and my brothers and I grew up knowing that. So there has always been a sense of normalcy about it. I have no qualms about breastfeeding in public, I've done it many times in the 10 weeks BC has been here. It's just that, usually, I am the only one around doing it. This evening I went to a Breastfeeding USA chapter meeting and everyone was breastfeeding. It was so very nice to be among other lactating women who felt free to whip it out and feed their nurslings in public. It was a culture shift and one that I look forward to revisiting. 

At the start of the meeting we all introduced ourselves and our babies and told how old they were. Before I had a child of my own I recall several conversations with several different people about how women talk about the age of their babies. What I always marveled at was why women say things like "my daughter is 24 months" instead of just saying "2 years." Did it make it easier for them or something?

Today I found out that yes, in fact, it does. Because when it came my turn I said "this is BC and he's 10 weeks." Instead of just saying "2 1/2 months". I counted his age in weeks instead of months because, in that moment, in my mind, it made him seem younger. 

Oh don't get me wrong, I do realize that it's six of one, half a dozen of another but as I say, at that moment, in my mind... I don't like the thought of my baby's age being able to be counted in months. Just as those other moms don't like their baby's ages being able to be counted in years. At some point in the very near future I will have to start counting in months, because it will be really too ridiculous to say that he's 24 weeks. But I will resist making the switch. 

BC is growing up in every possible way too fast. Way too fast. So I'm going to count the weeks, not months, for as long as I can. I know the moms I nursed along side tonight will understand. 


Exercise is hard work!  I found this little treasure at Once Upon a Child for $8.  It looked brand new!  I took it home washed it up and let SJ check it out.  He LOVES the zebra.   His arms and legs wouldn’t stop moving as he oood and awed at his new friends.   When he had had enough, he turned his head to look away and just went to sleep.  

I sat there staring at him, smiling, oooing and aweing at his cuteness.  I wish I had that much energy.  Well even just a little of it.  I’m exhausted!  I have all the best intentions of working out everyday and getting back into my pre-pregnancy body, but the truth is, I am tired! 

So I will continue to wear maternity style clothing and watch SJ workout.

Perhaps tomorrow I’ll work in some sit ups while he talks to his zebra, do a few pushups or maybe I’ll just lay on the floor looking at him discover the wonders around him. Then I might take a nap with him, which is a real treat!  


1 comment:

  1. Can so relate to both of these posts. Nice job ladies.


About Us

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Indiana, United States
Molly and Amy have been friends and co-collaborators for years and now are parenting infants in tandem. Amy's baby, SJ, is her fifth. Molly's, BC, her first.