
Thursday, August 2, 2012

August 1, 2012

One Day At a Time
Love Aunt Lisa

This week is World Breastfeeding Week. Hooray! Tomorrow I'll hit my one hundredth day of being a breastfeeding mama. I think breastfeeding is the most challenging thing about being a new mom. BC and I are both having to figure it out, one day at a time. Oh sure, to some extent it is instinctual and organic but much of the rude mechanicals in the process simply are not. And, not having done this before, I'm never quite sure if what I'm doing, feeling, or experiencing is normal. Not until after the fact. 

In these last ninety-nine days I think BC has gone through about two hundred different nursing stages and behaviors. I find myself constantly questioning the process; whether or not I'm doing it "right". And always, just when I think I've got a handle on it, his nursing behavior changes and I've got to re-figure. But (I've been told) I've had a relatively easy time nursing! I haven't had latch issues, plugged ducts, mastitis, or blistered, cracked nipples to deal with. Thank. Goodness. Yet I've still struggled. I've questioned my body. I've questioned nature. I've come close to letting my fear get the better of me. So I've been grateful every time I was able to look back a week or so and think about how far BC and I have come in our nursing relationship. 

I tell you what, I'd be lost without Amy, my friends S and P, and all the kind women from the breastfeeding forum I'm part of. All these super star nursing mamas have helped me stay on my nursing feet. So cheers to you all and cheers to me! Let's celebrate World Breastfeeding Week! Cheers to all mothers who are giving their babies the best, one day at a time. 


A sweet care package came in the mail from SJ’s Aunt Lisa. She is always thoughtful and so giving.  What a nice surprise and a reminder of how amazing our family is. 

Sj loves his new clothes!!!

We love you Aunt Lisa, and all!


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Indiana, United States
Molly and Amy have been friends and co-collaborators for years and now are parenting infants in tandem. Amy's baby, SJ, is her fifth. Molly's, BC, her first.